domingo, dezembro 12, 2004

Seminário Internacional de Jovens Críticos de Teatro (XI)

Apresenta-se hoje a comunicação de Radoslaw Paczocha sobre o contexto teatral na Polónia.

Polish stage

There are two main directors in polish institutionalized theater from old generation: Krystian Lupa and Jerzy Grzegorzewski. The second one (Grzegorzewski) creates "graphic" theater, self-contained one but still it's always based on great literature. It's a kind of modern theater connected with XX-century avant-guarde. Lupa is also a director who bases his work on literature but not theatrical one.

For years he makes shows based on "Bracia Karamazow " by Fiodor Dostoyewski for example or novels written by Hermann Broch. One of his favorite writers is Thomas Bernhard. He doesn't only direct his novels and drama but also translate them. We can even say that Lupa is a kind of theatrical essayist. His directing is based on deep psychological work with actors, in opposite to Grzegorzewski.

Without any doubts the best director from young generation is Krzysztof Warlikowski who works also in Germany and France. Warlikowski directs mostly Shakespeare's works but sometimes he also reaches for contemporary dramas. His most famous show is "Oczyszczeni" based on Sarah Kane. In my opinion Warlikowski creates theater which is a kind of connection of work maid by these two mainly old generation directors. It's an esthetical theater based on deep psychological work with actors but also concentrated on main problems of contemporary world.

Another young polish director besides Warlikowski is Grzegorz Jarzyna. His debut on polish theatrical stage was without any doubts the most brilliant one. Lately he is interested in a kind of arts experiments between theatrical world and reality. "Teren Warszawa" is an experimental project based on directing of contemporary dramatists in non-theatrical places like factory workshop or railway station. Both of these young directors are students of Krystian Lupa but the most similar from esthetical point of view to Lupa is Marek Fiedor who directs mostly Russian literature.

Besides polish institutionalized theater there is also off-scene which operates pretty well. One of the oldest theatrical groups working in Poland is Teatr Ósmego Dnia from Poznan. It's a kind of theater with political mention. They make shows not only on usual scenes inside the building but also on big areas outside. Another off-scene theatres are: Teatr Biuro Podrózy, Teatr Provisorium and Kompania Teatr from Lublin for example.

RADOSLAW PACZOCHA escreve para o jornal on-line OKT (versão em inglês disponíbel aqui)


Mais informações sobre o teatro na Polónia:

Bloc busters (reportagem do The Guardian)

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